General Assembly (ALV)

10jun17:0019:30General Assembly (ALV)CGI Nederland, George Hintzenweg 89, 3068 AX, Rotterdam OrganisatorNVR


On June 10, 2025, the General Assembly (ALV) will take place at CGI Nederland in Rotterdam. The program will be announced closer to the event.

The invitation for the General Assembly will be sent by email to all members in May, including a registration link. At that time, the agenda and meeting documents will also be published on our website.

Members will have until June 6 to submit questions or comments regarding the meeting topics via email ( The board will address these questions during the meeting, either individually or thematically. You may also include your questions and/or comments in the registration form.


(Dinsdag) 17:00 - 19:30


CGI Nederland

George Hintzenweg 89, 3068 AX, Rotterdam


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