We are looking for mentors

International Space Apps Challenge

The NVR is supporting the National Space App Challenge (https://spaceapps.nl) that is co-organised by the cities of Enschede, Nijmegen and Delft. In this event that will take place in the weekend of October 3rd and 4th, teams will work on one of the challenges that NASA has put out: https://2020.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/

To help the teams, NVR is looking for volunteers who can mentor a team or provide advice as an expert in the fields of data analysis, satellite data and business.

Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering and in what role you would like to support, by filling out this Google Form.
For Corporate members; please forward this request to employees who might be interested to support as mentor or expert.

If the Google form does not work or is blocked, please inform the NVR secretariat at secretariaat@ruimtevaart-nvr.nl of your interest and we will contact you.

Note: for signing up as a participant you will receive another invitation.

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