Family business West End was founded in 1947. Since the beginning of ESA-ESTEC in the Netherlands, West End has been a supplier to the aerospace industry.

We do this with a team of around 50 FTE, in a factory of 6000 m², including our own engineering. We perform all operations and tests in-house.

Our activities focus on:

1.       MGSE to enable testing (thermal/vacuum, vibration, EMC). Examples of well-known missions we have supported are ATV, BepiColombo, Galileo and recently Plato.

2.       Scale models, of which a Colombus module is in the AvioDrome in Lelystad.

3.       Equipment:

a.       pressure and vacuum chambers, or vacuum tanks, flanges and piping

b.      Cleanrooms

c.       Zero G-droptowers

4.       Flight cases: We design and manufacture small and large transport packaging for international road and air transport. In addition, we also manufacture internal transport equipment for cleanrooms.

5. Ground Based Astronomy: we have been involved in opto-mechanical tooling at home and abroad for decades.

For more information click here

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