We are looking for mentors

We are looking for mentors NASA International Space Apps Challenge The NVR is supporting the National Space App Challenge (https://spaceapps.nl) that is co-organised by the cities of Enschede, Nijmegen and Delft. In this event that will take place in the weekend of...
Result pubquiz

Result pubquiz

Result pubquiz place score Team Name 1 34 De Redactie 2 30 Maximum Effort 3 27 Mapspace 4 25 Lunar Zebras 5 24 SlartiCraftFast 6 23 Lunar Cruises 7 22 Space Bus 7 22 Team Rocket 9 21 Astropedant 10 18 The Common Heritage of Mankind 11 16 SpaceViolas 12 15 930 Club 13...
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