Become a Member

The Netherlands Space Society (NVR) is the gateway to the Dutch aerospace.

NVR has approximately a 1000 members. They include aerospace professionals, students, and people with a personal interest. As of today, the association has been around for over 60 years. Yet, it remains in touch with the newest Dutch and international developments surrounding space and astronautics. The NVR aims to be an association for all ages, and the network for anyone excited by modern aerospace and space travel.


Individual membership costs only €40,- a year. Students can even become a member for free! For companies, we have several memberships available. The height of the subscription costs depends on the size of the organization.

Membership for
€40 per year

The Magazine "Ruimtevaart"

4 times a year, you will receive the biggest space glossy of the Netherlands

Worldwide Networking

As a member of the NVR, you are also a member of a worldwide network of likeminded space professionals and enthusiasts

Exclusive events

Exclusive acces to a wide variety of space related activities that we organize for our members. Like company visits, mini-symposia, theme nights, space movie nights and our famous NVR Space gatherings.

Becoming a member of the NVR

Please fill out the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Are you a student?

To improve our service, we ask you to supply the following information

I am interested in becoming an NVR committee member and I would like to receive information about the possibilities

Select your membership type

Type of membership


Since 24-06-2019 new members can only pay through automatic withdrawals.

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