50 YEARS OF MOON LANDING This year, the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first man on the Moon by Neil Armstrong. As part of the full year program (www.50jaarmaanlanding.nl)
This year, the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first man on the Moon by Neil Armstrong. As part of the full year program (www.50jaarmaanlanding.nl) to celebrate this milestone, the “VSV Leonardo da Vinci” space department RVD and the NVR teamed up to organize an event that looks at the past but more importantly at the future as well. On May the 2nd we will have a dedicated space symposium at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the TU Delft with speakers from NASA HQ and Airbus to present and discuss the past and future of lunar exploration.
13:00 Welcome and registration
13:30 Opening by Symposium chair Heinz Stoewer
13:45 Apollo and the challenge for future space exploration by Peter Batenburg
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 The Lunar Gateway and NASA’s future exploration activities by John Guidi from NASA HQ
15:45 The Moon Race initiative by Airbus Young Professionals by Luis Ferreira from Airbus
16:30 VSV Leonardo da Vinci Lustrum CubeSat announcement
17:00 Drinks
The NVR offers it’s members a 10 euro discount on the external entrance fee of 15 euros. You can sign up by sending an e-mail with your name and affiliation to secretariaat@ruimtevaart-nvr.nl after which you’ll receive a confirmation and request for payment of the 5 euro entrance fee. The NVR will take care of the subscription to the symposium.
Sign up on time as the number of seats is limited!
Note: Students of Aerospace Engineering can register for free here: https://vsv.tudelft.nl/ticketshop/overview
(Donderdag) 13:00 - 17:00