Space Law fire side chat

The use of space resources has been a hot topic in recent years. The prospects are looking very promising, first and foremost with regard to water on the moon, but
The use of space resources has been a hot topic in recent years. The prospects are looking very promising, first and foremost with regard to water on the moon, but there are also many challenges to realise this next frontier of space exploration. These challenges include technical and financial, but also legal issues. Tanja and Dimitra will engage in a fireside chat to address the latter, explaining the legal framework that currently applies as well as highlighting some recent initiatives at international and national level, such as the ‘Artemis Accords’ proposed by the USA. The talk will be animated and tailored for a non-legal audience with ample time for questions, so if you always wanted to know whether ‘space mining’ is legal, join this event!
Webex open for joining: 19:45
Start webinar: 20:00
End webinar: 21:30
If you want to join this webinar, please register before September 19th, by sending an e-mail to Richelle Scheffers via
On September 21st, you will receive the webex login details to attend the webinar including further information about rules and guidelines.
(Woensdag) 20:00 - 21:30